Dorte’s View: Alter Ego

24 Nov

(I know I’ve kicked this poor game around a lot already, but my wife Dorte has some strong opinions of her own about it that she wanted to share. Patreon subscribers: this one is of course a freebie. I should have another feature article for you all soon…)

There is a certain beauty to playing old computer games, especially if your gaming partner is a big enthusiast like my Jimmy. Alter Ego is one of the games we played most recently. And I have to admit that I was quite intrigued when Jimmy told me all about it. I thought the concept was ingenious: a psychology game where you make choices in your life and then you see the outcome. Of course, I knew about the limitations a game like this has. After all, Jimmy had already let me talk to Eliza, and that meeting didn’t turn out too well! But Alter Ego has a changeable story, a more advanced interaction level, and a real-life feeling… I thought!

Jimmy and I agreed to try to recreate our current life and then see where it leads in old age. And now I must tell the whole world that my husband did not stick to the plan for very long, but jumped on the first girl that was presented to him by the game. My life certainly didn’t turn out as I expected either. And it all started when I still was a fetus in my mother’s womb.

The whole game is about making decisions in life and living with the consequences. Hence, my first problem was that I had to make decisions as a fetus. Consciousness in a human starts several years after birth, and a lot of people haven’t even learned to understand the consequences of their decisions by the time of their death. So, I had some difficulties relating to the question of do I want to be born now or later. But at the same time, I could enforce my plan of recreating my real life and be born early. Jimmy, on the other hand — and I am not sure how much psychology you should read into this — just didn’t want to come out, trying to push his luck with both his and his mother’s health.

The next problem I had in the Infancy and Childhood phases can be divided into two parts, though they are connected to each other. The first part is my own inability to remember that far back in time, which I can’t blame the author for. My personal memories start at around age 3 to 4. I started in kindergarten, which I hated. I was in the hospital, which I hated. I got hit by a car, which wasn’t too bad because I didn’t have to go to kindergarten that day. I also remember that I was one of the “smart kids.” For every stupid thing I did I had a logical reason, and every time it didn’t work out there was a logical explanation (do these words sound familiar to anyone?). So, I am very selective in my memories, but I always believe myself in the right. Furthermore, I am not always certain about my exact age when a given event occurred. Another difficulty that I experienced was the inability to remember how to think like a child. An example of how this can even happen to an adult: when I still was a medical student and I wanted to share some of my new-found knowledge with friends and family, I noticed that I used some medical terms they didn’t understand. But these terms had been a part of my daily language for so long that I couldn’t even remember when I started using them. Logic tells me it happened after I started in medical school, but memory suggests I already knew them before. This shows that psychological development is slow and unconscious. And once the changes are tightly incorporated into our personality it is hard to imagine that we were ever any other way. These issues led to uncertainty on my part on how to decide in Alter Ego during the Infancy and early Childhood phases. Of course, I could just have accepted the fact that I am not 100 percent sure of what decision I would have made as a one-year-old child — it is just a game — but I was on a mission.

The other part of my Infancy and Childhood problem was the inability of the author to convince me I was an infant or a child. Alter Ego is in my eyes a serious game, meaning you don’t just play it thoughtlessly. You try to live it, whether by trying to recreate your actual life experiences like me or by playing someone else like Jimmy. (I did read one comment to Jimmy’s article that suggests that there are more out there who tried to recreate their own lives.) To make it possible for the player to identify himself with the character it is important that the language, description, and decision possibilities are age appropriate and somewhat realistic. But they aren’t in most cases. I wish more vignettes were like the dog incident which is described in detail in Jimmy’s article. This scene is described very simply, and you are walked through it step by step, one emotion at a time and one thought and reaction at a time. Unfortunately, more vignettes are like the one where you have to go to the toilet but are not fully potty trained and your mom is not around. In this scene the author loses all touch with the reality of Infancy, as suddenly I am overwhelmed with thousands of feelings and I start to plan into the future. But a two-year-old child — the normal age of potty training — does not have the ability to plan ahead. He faces the problems only as they appear, step by step. Throughout the Infancy phase, the author continues to put motives, higher feelings, and the ability to see consequences and other people’s needs into my character. I am not a psychologist; during medical school I only learned limited techniques to gain the trust of my patients or motivate them to stop smoking, lose weight, or change other bad habits. However, I discovered in the process an interest in psychology. I found that in addition to reflecting on my own experiences and feelings it is possible to learn so much by listening to the experiences and feelings of others. This saves me from making their stupid mistakes. The skill of putting yourself in another person’s position is crucial for a psychologist. Yet the author of Alter Ego is young, naive, arrogant, and completely blind to the opinions and motives of people other than himself. And — how could I forget? — he is also very judgmental (a big taboo for psychologists). He was like an evil version of my parents hovering over my head watching my every step and judging my every decision.

The focus jumps when you enter Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Love. Sex. Flying hormones. There is a clear difference between girls and boys in the eyes of the author of Alter Ego. He doesn’t seem to have an overly high opinion of either, but at least boys are allowed more freedom to actually do something. Girls just giggle and talk about their first kiss and obsess over their looks while at the same time being vengeful and jealous. It’s such a cliché. The author comes off as just as superficial as the girls he describes. I am missing the huge identity crisis that people start to face in their teenage years: who am I? The game never touches on this because the author decides who you are. During high school I was far from interested in intimacy, love, or sex. Education was all I cared about. But Alter Ego forced it all upon me. I came home with a hickey after a party; I talked with my friends about boys and how many boys I had already kissed (yet at the time of this vignette I had rejected every single opportunity to kiss a boy!). Alter Ego turned me into a superficial, giggling, silly girl with no personality of my own. In my profession as a doctor, I’ve met a lot of this kind of girl — but I’ve met far more girls who are more thoughtful about their behavior and personality. In Alter Ego it was impossible for me to make any choices that weren’t black or white, and none of the possibilities really fit to me. I grew mad and disappointed.

The immense amount of sexism in the game was quite shocking to me, even though more subtle forms of sexism are still a daily reality for women in 2014. Jimmy was the big hero for kissing all the girls on his way, while I got the title “easy to get” for choosing once the option to kiss a boy. I suppose I should thank the chauvinistic author that I as a woman was allowed to go to college, but I was not able to enter the best university because I was not good enough — even though my Intellectual score was the same as Jimmy’s, who did get in. And of course Jimmy advanced higher at work. I had to use the study option much more frequently just to maintain my Intellectual points. My shopping possibilities did not include a computer; instead I could spend my money on cooking ware, make up, and jewelry.

Another problem both Jimmy and I constantly faced was bad health. Whatever we did, and we did most things differently, we were both in really, really bad health until the end of the game. Jimmy lost his life to a heart attack some years before me. To be honest, I am not even sure what I died of — but that day was a day of celebration. By the end of the game I was so frustrated and disgusted with the attitude of the author that I would have jumped on the opportunity to commit suicide. It would have proven the author wrong again: that suicide is not an act of anger, but desperation.

Some considerations to improve the game, because, as I said in the beginning, the concept is good:

  1. The tone of the language should be neutral. It should also always be appropriate for the age of the player’s character. It is important to me as a player that I am not judged on my decisions, that I receive a certain level of understanding.

  2. The author should be more open minded and have more empathy toward other lifestyles and points of view. For example, using the word “feminist” as an insult does not serve any purpose.

  3. More choices, especially more that are not just black and white. After all, there are fifty shades of grey…

  4. Fewer clichés and less sexism. It is no excuse that the game was created in the 1980s; the author was a psychologist.

  5. The points system seemed random. It didn’t make sense in relation to your decisions. I mentioned Health points earlier, but the Social score was just as bad. Jimmy was friends with lots of people and often followed the crowd, while I didn’t — and still we both had a very good Social score. How does that work?

If I should grade this game, I would give it an F. My biggest problem, even more than the sexism, was the author’s choice of language. The lecturing tone could maybe be excused in the phases of Infancy and Childhood, but in the phase of Old Age it seems ridiculous and inappropriate, especially since the author at the time was younger than I am now. It made me feel that the author talked down to me and tried constantly to force his supposed wisdom upon me — but I would never take any advice on how to live my life or raise my children from Peter J. Favaro.


Posted by on November 24, 2014 in Digital Antiquaria, Interactive Fiction


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13 Responses to Dorte’s View: Alter Ego

  1. Felix

    November 24, 2014 at 5:58 pm

    Have you ever met a person you would describe as being born old? Because the more I read about this game, the more it feels like the work of someone born around 1930 in a very conservative family, rather than a Baby Boomer (or thereabouts). The heteronormativity Jimmy mentioned last time; the relentless sexism and judgmental preachiness you both complain about; the single-path life it promotes; it all fits into an all too familiar pattern. One that’s sadly still with us to a considerable degree. And sometimes it’s very tiresome to keep fighting it.

  2. Telemachus

    November 24, 2014 at 9:49 pm

    Thank you for the altera pars. This is one of my top 5 videogaming history related websites on the internet and you keep making it better. I will donate to your Patreon soon.

    Please more Dorte in the future if she wants!

    • Jimmy Maher

      November 25, 2014 at 9:27 am

      Thanks! We’re hoping to make “Dorte’s View” an occasional bonus feature, just for games we play together that she feels strongly one way or the other about. I think her perspective is valuable because it comes from such a different place than mine. While I’m all about the history and context, she really couldn’t care less about any of that. She just loves to *play* games, and is only interested in whether these musty old relics I turn up and lay at her feet are fun to actually play in the here and now.

  3. Carl

    November 25, 2014 at 11:48 pm

    I think periodically adding “Dorte’s View” would be a nice addition to your site. Her comments on Alter Ego where insightful and introspective and it was nice getting another viewpoint. Certainly for Alter Ego her contribution was complementary to Jimmy’s.

  4. Ruber Eaglenest

    December 2, 2014 at 4:54 pm

    Have you compared the original version with the web version made by choice of games founder? I wonder how faithful is the new one.

    • Jimmy Maher

      December 2, 2014 at 5:01 pm

      I’m given to understand that it uses all of the same data files, which aren’t really that hard to interpret. In fact, I can see a lot of ChoiceScript in Alter Ego’s scripting system.

      But I’ve never done a close comparison…

  5. Peter Piers

    December 18, 2015 at 7:38 pm

    ” I started in kindergarten, which I hated. I was in the hospital, which I hated. I got hit by a car, which wasn’t too bad because I didn’t have to go to kindergarten that day.”

    Made me laugh out loud. :)

  6. DZ-Jay

    March 6, 2017 at 11:46 am

    I understand that this article reflects your personal view and experience of the game, but is it really entirely fair to judge it by modern standards, mores, and your later life experiences?

    After all, it was intended as a game and probably marketed to children. I didn’t much care for it when I was a child (it was part of my extensive C=64 games collection I picked up from random BBSs), but I remember just playing it a few times, answering some questions, and having some fun by just seeing what sort of life it threw at me.

    Even at 13 years-old I never took it too seriously — in the same way that I never took seriously when the game of Life had me go bankrupt, or spawn a child, or something. It was just part of the game and you play the cards you were dealt and had fun with it.


    • Sebastian Redl

      January 2, 2019 at 1:44 pm

      > After all, it was intended as a game and probably marketed to children

      I find that unlikely, given the “sexual” content.

    • Nathanael

      March 6, 2021 at 10:11 am

      The spectacularly high levels of sexism in this game was notable, to me, as a child, in the late 1980s when I stumbled across a copy. I figured it had been written 20 years earlier, not in 1983. There was no excuse whatsoever.

      That’s apart from the fact that it was just a bad game.

  7. Ben

    April 23, 2022 at 10:05 pm

    two-year-old-child -> two-year-old child

    psychologists) . -> psychologists).

    cooking wear -> cooking ware

    • Jimmy Maher

      April 26, 2022 at 2:46 pm



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