Like a lot of boys, I grew up loving trains. And like a lot of men, I retain my fascination for them today.
Once upon a time, I could happily spend hours and hours with my Lionel locomotives. They were, back in that era at least, satisfyingly heavy, made out of the same good solid iron as the full-sized models they imitated; they even smoked the same as the real things when you dropped a bit of “smoke fluid” down the stack. I whiled away many an afternoon driving my trains around and around in circles, learning through trial and error just how fast I could take those corners before disaster struck. But for better or for worse, after I was given a Commodore 64 for Christmas in 1984, model railroading fell by the wayside pretty quickly. (How’s that for a parable of the modern homo digitalis?)
Nevertheless, and much to the chagrin of my long-suffering wife, I’m always chomping at the bit to visit any train museum that happens to be within range, whether I’m in Dallas or Nuremberg, Odense or London. I look upon any opportunity to actually ride the rails even more favorably; I love me a vintage tourist railroad, no matter how cheesy. Heck, I still get a little thrill from boarding a train that serves merely as everyday public transportation, something that’s a lot more common here in Europe than it is back in the States. Speaking of which: back in the 1990s, when I was still living in my country of birth, I took a break from my usual backpacker holidays to foreign climes in order to ride the trains of the perpetually underfunded underdog Amtrak all the way from one side of the United States to the other. In marked contrast to most people who have dared such a journey, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Ditto the trip I once took from Vladivostok to Moscow on the Trans-Siberian Railroad (if and when Russia comes to its senses and stops being a geopolitical Doctor Evil, of course).
Just what is the appeal of trains? I could prattle on here about how they’re a far more environmentally friendly way to travel than planes or cars, but that’s not what causes them to tickle my romantic fancies. The range of feelings that trains evoke in me and in countless others is as rich as it is diverse. Small wonder that they’ve been such a staple of folk and pop music practically since Robert Stephenson’s Rocket first puffed down a track in 1829. The rock and roll of a train became the rhythm of twentieth-century music. A train can carry you away to a better life, or it can carry your baby away to a life without you. A train can be as life-affirming as a heartbeat or as mysterious as a nightmare.
But trains are more than just a set of all-purpose metaphors. They’re also feats of engineering that continue to entrance the little boy in me. The biggest locomotives from the Age of Steam are nothing short of awe-inspiring in their sheer size, artifacts of a lost epoch when high technology meant building on an ever more gigantic rather than an ever more miniaturized scale, when a single piston could be several times the size of a person and a single wheel taller than a willow tree. The newest railroading wonders may not have quite the same nostalgic allure as their coal-fired ancestors, but they too live at the ragged edge of technological feasibility, traveling at more than 300 miles per hour on the magnetic cushions that serve them in lieu of wheels.
Then, too, the historian in me marvels at trains as the wellspring of the modern world. As the first form of fast, efficient mechanized transportation, they produced first-order and knock-on effects that touched every aspect of people’s lives. The very concept of the nation-state as we know it today is largely a tribute to railroads, those steel ties that bind a multiplicity of localities together in a web of travel and trade. The clocks that regulate so much of our lives owe their existence to the emergence of “railroad time,” to which everyone had to learn to synchronize their activities in place of the older, less precise practice of reckoning time by the position of the Sun in the sky. Wide-angle corporate capitalism as we know it today was invented by the great railroad trusts and the oligarchy of so-called “robber barons” who ran them, ruthlessly enough to make Jeff Bezos blush.
Indeed, the facts and figures and lore and legends of railroading are so bottomless that some people get obsessed with the subject almost to the exclusion of all else. Personally, I missed my chance at becoming a hardcore trainspotter as soon as I got my hands on that childhood Commodore 64. That said, the old flame still burns brightly enough that any computer game which focuses on trains is likely to get a little bit of extra attention from me.
I don’t want the game to be too dry or technical; it has to bring the culture of the rails to life, has to make me feel something. Do that, and chances are I’ll be all over your game. Sid Meier’s Railroad Tycoon is one game that did it, marrying an aesthetic presentation that is executed as perfectly as was possible with the computers of 1990 — the theme song that plays over the opening credits is one of the few pieces of game music I occasionally find myself humming at random while I’m doing something else — with a rich and compelling layer of strategic possibility; for my money, it’s rivaled only by Pirates! for the title of Meier’s very best game, beating out even the storied Civilization. I like Railroad Tycoon’s spiritual successor, Chris Sawyer’s Transport Tycoon, a lot as well, even though its focus on trains is somewhat diluted by all the trucks, planes, and ships it throws in. And on a very different note, Jordan Mechner’s adventure game The Last Express uses the last voyage of the Oriental Express from Paris to Constantinople as a metaphor for the passing away of the entire Belle Époque in Europe during the fateful summer of 1914; I find playing it to be an experience of almost unbearable poignancy, filling me with nostalgia for a lost past of dinner jackets, evening gowns, and refined drawing-room conversation that I never actually knew.
Needless to say, then, I wanted to like Railroad Tycoon II even more than I do the typical game that I play for these histories. That always produces a certain trepidation of its own. I’m therefore thrilled to be able to say that — spoiler alert! — it lived up to the high expectations I had for it, enough so as to become the fourth train game to find a place in my intensely idiosyncratic Hall of Fame.
The story of Railroad Tycoon II begins with a young Missourian named Phil Steinmeyer, who in 1994 sold to the Los Angeles-based studio and publisher New World Computing a light wargame called Iron Cross that he had designed and programmed all by himself during evenings and weekends. In some ways, Iron Cross was quite forward-looking, doing a lot of what SSI’s Panzer General did to major commercial success that same year: it personalized the experience of war, by having you create a character, CRPG-style, and lead him through a dozen scenarios, with the possibility of promotion or demotion looming at the end of each of them. Sadly, though, it didn’t fully live up to its concept, failing to find the sweet spot between simplicity and interesting choices that Panzer General had nailed, coming off more like a prototype than a finished product. It was not an injustice that Panzer General revitalized its publisher and spawned a long-running series of similar games, while Iron Cross came and went from store shelves in a scant few months.
Still, it was good enough to become Steinmeyer’s entrée to the games industry. Impressed by his enthusiasm, work ethic, and programming talent, New World’s founder Jon Van Canegham asked him to stick around as a regular contractor, working remotely — a rarity at that time — from his Midwestern home. Steinmeyer’s next project for New World was another strategy game with CRPG flavorings, one whose legacy would prove far more enduring than that of Iron Cross: he became the main programmer on Van Canegham’s own Heroes of Might and Magic, which was released in late 1995 to strong sales. He moved even further up in the pecking order with the sequel. On Heroes of Might and Magic II, which was released barely one year after its predecessor, he was credited not only as the lead programmer but as the co-designer, alongside Van Canegham.
Steinmeyer and New World parted ways just after Heroes II was finished, for reasons that are a little obscure. In a 2000 magazine column, Steinmeyer claimed that “my publisher [i.e., New World] was experiencing financial troubles, and abruptly cut relations with all third-party developers, including me.” I’m actually not aware of any serious financial problems at the company around this time, although it had just been acquired by 3DO, which may have led to a change in policy regarding contractors. In later years, there was significant bad blood between Van Canegham and Steinmeyer. I don’t know whether it stemmed from the circumstances of the latter’s departure from New World or from subsequent events. (See my postscript below for more on these matters.)
At any rate, Steinmeyer decided to turn PopTop Software, the little one-man company under whose auspices he had been developing games for New World, into a real studio with real employees and a real office, located in St. Louis, Missouri. For the re-imagined PopTop’s first project, he wanted to create another colorful, accessible strategy game, yet one very different from Heroes of Might and Magic in theme and mechanics. He had decided that, with the capabilities of computers having come such a long way since 1990, the time was ripe to build upon the template of legendary designer Sid Meier’s Railroad Tycoon, one of his favorite games of all time. He hired a staff of half a dozen or so others — mostly industry neophytes who were willing to work cheap — to chase the dream alongside him.
His timing was propitious: MicroProse Software, the publisher of the original Railroad Tycoon, wasn’t doing very well and was desperate to raise cash. Having moved on to Transport Tycoon, they saw little commercial potential in returning to a railroad-only strategy game. In fact, they had already rejected Bruce Shelley, Sid Meier’s co-designer on Railroad Tycoon, when he came to them inquiring about the possibility of a direct sequel. Steinmeyer was amazed when MicroProse answered his own initial query not by offering to publish the sequel but by offering to sell him the rights to the name outright. Steinmeyer would later call clinching that deal his most “awesome” single moment during the development of the game.
But it did leave PopTop still in need of a publisher. In early 1998, Steinmeyer signed on with an upstart consortium known as Gathering of Developers — or, to use the acronym that they positively reveled in, G.O.D.
G.O.D. could only have come to exist during the late 1990s, a heady time in gaming, when people like John Carmack and John Romero of DOOM and Quake fame were treated as rock stars by their adoring fans. Scatter-bombing rhetoric that smacked more of a political revolution than a business startup, G.O.D. trumpeted their plan to upend the traditional order in gaming and give control and money to the creatives at the studios instead of the suits at the major publishers. The full story of G.O.D., an incongruous cocktail of naked greed and misplaced idealism, will have to wait for another day. For now, suffice to say that G.O.D. never succeeded in becoming the revolutionary collective its founders wanted it to be, not least because the only people willing and able to pony up the seed capital they needed were the folks at Take Two Interactive, one of the very same traditional publishers that they so loudly professed to despise. For PopTop, however, Take Two’s involvement was ultimately all to the good, as it gave them access to a mature international distribution network of which Railroad Tycoon II would take full advantage.

Phil Steinmeyer shows off an early build of Railroad Tycoon II at the 1998 E3 trade show. PopTop’s little booth was all but blotted out and drowned out by a colossus next door devoted to Space Bunnies Must Die!, a schlocky and deafening melange of everything trendy in gaming at the time. In the end, though, Railroad Tycoon II won “Best Strategy Game” at the show and has aged like fine wine, while Space Bunnies has aged like milk.
First released in North America in November of 1998, Railroad Tycoon II was later translated into German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese for the European market, and, even more far-sightedly, into Chinese, Japanese, and Korean to cover the fast-growing consumer economies of East Asia. Combined with a Mac port, a Linux port(!), and reasonably credible ports to the Sony PlayStation and Sega Dreamcast consoles, all of this outreach delivered worldwide sales that may have exceeded 1.5 million copies.
In light of this, it’s remarkable how under-remembered and under-sung Railroad Tycoon II is today. To be sure, you can still buy a “Platinum edition” of the game at the usual digital storefronts. Yet it keeps a weirdly low profile for a title that at the turn of the millennium was the third most successful “builder”-style game ever, trailing only the perennially popular SimCity and Rollercoaster Tycoon, a game by Chris Sawyer of Transport Tycoon fame that was released five months after Railroad Tycoon II.
In this reviewer’s opinion, Railroad Tycoon II was a sparkling creative success as well as a commercial one, making it all the more deserving of remembrance. We’ve seen a fair number of train games built on similar premises in the years since 1998, but I don’t know that we’ve ever seen a comprehensively better one.

If you haven’t played a “traffic simulator” like this before, the first thing to understand about Railroad Tycoon II is that it’s an extremely abstract simulation, where each trip you see on the screen stands in for hundreds if not thousands of ones that you don’t see. In the opening scenario of the campaign, which begins at the dawn of American railroading in 1830, it will take your little engine that could more than a year to drag two wagons full of passengers from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. The real first locomotives were slow, but they weren’t that slow.

From a purely technical perspective, the most amazing thing about Railroad Tycoon II is its pseudo-3D graphics engine, which lets you rotate the camera to peer around mountains and to zoom way in or way out, depending on whether you need to fuss with the details of track and station placement or take in the big picture of your transport empire. Here we’ve zoomed out far enough to see a goodly chunk of eastern Canada in the late nineteenth century.

Surrounded by other robber barons as you are, you can’t afford to neglect the financial angle in the more complicated scenarios, where buying and selling stock cleverly can be more important than laying down the most efficient routes.

Almost every new scenario in the campaign sent me off to learn more about the real history behind it. Here I’m on the verge of rewriting history by fulfilling the quixotic imperialist dream of the British mining magnate Cecil Rhodes: that of building a single railway line that stretches across the length of Africa, from Cape Town to Cairo.

The generic, randomized newspaper messages of the first Railroad Tycoon have been partially replaced by headlines ripped from real history.

With its globalized commercial ambitions, Railroad Tycoon II is careful to steer clear of touchy politics. For example, the era of Chairman Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” for China, which killed twice as many people as the First World War and six times as many as the Holocaust and set Chinese agriculture back by two decades through a combination of malice and incompetence, is presented strictly as an engineering problem.
A comparison of Railroad Tycoon I and II provides a good education in just how much gaming changed during the eight years that separate them. The first game relies heavily on procedural generation to add variety to its handful of maps. There are only a few ways to customize your experience, and no broader framework of progression beyond the “New Game” button.
Railroad Tycoon II, on the other hand, has two 18-scenario campaigns to offer if you include its Second Century expansion pack, plus plenty more singleton hand-crafted scenarios, each with its own historical context, starting and stopping dates, and victory conditions. But if you don’t want to mess with most of that — if you just want to set up a bunch of trains and watch them run — you can do that too by playing in sandbox mode. If, by contrast, you want maximally cut-throat competition, you can play in networked multiplayer mode with some of your mates, engaging in epic business conflicts that can become, as Bob Proctor wrote in his review for Computer Gaming World, “as vicious as any Starcraft game.” In short, Railroad Tycoon II does everything it can to let you turn it into exactly the kind of train game that you most want to play. In my case, that means playing through the campaigns, which I absolutely adore.
The first campaign — the one found in the base game — is divided into thirds: six scenarios taking place in North America, six in Europe, six in the rest of the world. It gives you the sense of living through a huge swath of railroad history, even as it gradually teaches you the ins and outs of what proves to be a deceptively complex game, slowly ramping up the difficulty as it does so. Its scenarios challenge you in a wide variety of different ways, guaranteeing that, by the time you finish all of them, you’ll have engaged with if not completely mastered all of the game’s facets. Some of the scenarios are all about logistics: get a line built from City A to City B before time runs out. Some make you think about your larger role in the economy, by demanding that you adequately service a range of industries. And still others force you to engage with the nitty-gritties of the financial game, by insisting that you acquire a certain corporate or personal net worth by a certain date.
Indeed, in some of the most difficult scenarios, the efficient operation of your railroad provides no more than the seed capital for the real key to victory, your shenanigans on the stock market. If you want to win gold on every scenario — the gold, silver, and bronze victory levels are another way the game lets you set your own goals for yourself — you’ll need to learn to wheel and deal as shrewdly as Cornelius Vanderbilt and as heartlessly as Jay Gould. I recall struggling futilely for days with the thirteenth scenario, which expected me not only to connect Delhi, Calcutta, and Kabul between the years 1850 and 1880 but to be the only surviving railroad left on the Indian subcontinent at the end of that time period if I wanted the gold medal. Then one day I figured out that I could pump and then dump all of my starting company’s stock, leaving it as nothing more than a one-station rump on the map, and use my windfall to buy up a controlling interest in the most dangerous of my two rivals. After that bit of skullduggery, it was smooth sailing. Guile never felt so good.
The Second Century campaign is even more audacious and creative, if a bit shakier in its granular implementation. As the name would imply, it focuses on the later period of railroading that gets somewhat short shrift in the original campaign, beginning during the Great Depression and winding up in a surprisingly dystopic middle 21st century, when global warming and nuclear war have led to civilizational regression on a global scale and you’re now forced to work with old-time steam locomotives once again. Whether this sobering vision will prove prescient remains to be seen, but, in the meanwhile, I can’t say enough admiring things about PopTop’s determination to continue bending and twisting their core game in intriguing new directions. Some of the Second Century scenarios are essentially new games unto themselves, like the one where you have to keep Britain connected and functional during the Blitz, or the one where you have to bring up sufficient troops from the eastern hinterlands of the Soviet Union to resist the Nazi invaders pouring in from the west. Sometimes the scenarios play radically with scale, as in the one that wants you to build a subway system to service a city instead of a railroad network to serve a country or a continent.
Even when giving due consideration to the premise that this is a campaign for veterans, most of the Second Century scenarios are really, really hard — a little bit too hard in my opinion. Less subjectively, there’s a general lack of polish to the second campaign in comparison to the first, with more bugs and glitches on display. In too many of these scenarios, your chances of winning gold are heavily dependent on luck, on the economy turning just the way you need it to just when you need it to. All of this would seem to indicate that the second campaign got a lot less testing than the first, such that PopTop may not have even fully realized how difficult it really was. It’s still worth playing if you finish the first campaign and want more, mind you. I just wouldn’t get too stressed about trying to win gold on every single scenario; I had a lot more fun with it once I accepted that silver or even bronze was good enough and stopped save-scumming and putting myself through all manner of other contortions to bring home the gold.
Inside the scenarios, Phil Steinmeyer made an unusual and refreshing choice in strategy-game sequels, electing not to build upon the blueprint of Railroad Tycoon I by heedlessly piling on additional layers of complexity. In some ways, this sequel is actually simpler than the original, despite the gulf of eight years of fairly frenetic technological development in computing that lies between them. There’s generally less emphasis placed on the mechanics of running your railroad. You must still choose between single or double tracks, and must learn when one or the other is more desirable from a cost-benefit standpoint, but you don’t have to futz around with signals. Two trains running in opposite directions on the same piece of track don’t ram into one another; the one just pulls politely over to a siding that magically appears and waits for the other one to pass by. Likewise, your options for manipulating cargoes and consists[1]In railroad speak, a “consist” — the noun is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable, not on the second as in the verb — is the particular collection of wagons that a given locomotive pulls. at stations are reduced. Most strikingly, tunnels don’t exist at all in Railroad Tycoon II; your only option for getting to the other side of a mountain range is to go around it, to go over it — very slowly! — or to try to find a natural pass through it.
Any way you slice it, the absence of tunnels is kind of weird. Otherwise, though, if you haven’t played the first Railroad Tycoon, you’ll probably never notice the things that Railroad Tycoon II is missing. If you have, you will, and you might even be a bit put out — there’s real joy to be found in getting a complicated network of signals functioning like the proverbial smoothly running machine — but you’ll soon get over it. For Railroad Tycoon II makes up for its simplifications in traffic and cargo management with a lot of meaty sophistication in other areas. The stock market and the management and investment of your corporate and personal wealth are, as I already noted, as vital and rewarding as ensuring that your trains run on time. Meanwhile the specificity of the scenarios turns the game into a form of living history that the more generic, semi-randomized maps found in the original are unable to match. The same tool that PopTop used to build all of the campaign scenarios is included with the game, for those who want to roll their own. There was once a thriving community of scenario builders on the Internet. This is no longer the case, but their leavings can still be found and downloaded. Or, if you buy the Platinum edition of Railroad Tycoon II, you’ll find that a curated selection of 40 of the very best fan-made scenarios is already included.
Last but not least, I have to pay due tribute to the masterful aesthetics of Railroad Tycoon II. There are some contrary old grognards out there who will tell you that audiovisuals don’t matter in strategy games. That’s an opinion that I’ve never shared. Whatever else they may be, computer games are a form of mediated entertainment, and good mediation goes a long way toward making our time spent with them enjoyable and memorable.
Railroad Tycoon II is a fine case in point. Even today, it’s a lovely game just to see and hear, with audiovisuals that immerse you deeply in its subject matter. Every control you manipulate is presented onscreen as a mechanical switch, which, when you click on it, clunks with the same satisfying metallic solidity that I appreciated so much in my Lionel trains as a kid. The video clips that play before the campaign scenarios, mostly sourced from old public-domain newsreel footage, have a graininess that only adds to the period flavor. Playing in the background as you watch your trains puff along is an old-timey blues soundtrack recorded on real acoustic instruments, all wailing harmonicas and resonator guitars, fit to accompany Robert Johnson down to the crossroads for his meeting with the Devil. Each scenario in the campaign is introduced by the game’s one and only voice actor, a crusty geezer who likes to use words like “whippersnapper.”
Now, you could say that all of this is best suited to the Age of Steam, that it’s becoming more than a little anachronistic by the time you’re driving sleek, high-speed electric locomotives through the Chunnel, and you’d be absolutely right. But those sentiments must be tempered by the understanding that Railroad Tycoon II was developed on a shoestring by barely half a dozen people. Phil Steinmeyer used a variety of techniques to compensate for the large team of artists he lacked, such as photographing model trains and importing them instead of trying to draw each locomotive from scratch. He also compensated through the technology of the game engine itself. “Railroad Tycoon II had 3D terrain, good shadows and lighting, and, perhaps most importantly, a higher standard resolution (1024 x 768) than any competing game,” he notes. Back in the day, it pulled off the neat trick of looking like it had had a far bigger development budget than was actually the case.
Today, the combination of clean and evocative audiovisuals, progressive design approaches, and a slick and elegant interface all add up a game that subjectively feels like it’s considerably younger than it really is. The few places where it does show its age — like the lack of an undo function when laying track, which forces you to do the save-and-restore dance if you don’t want to waste tons of money tearing out your mislaid lines — only serve to highlight the general rule of modern elegance. You don’t need to be wearing any nostalgia goggles to appreciate this one, folks. Just fire it up and see where it takes you. If the toot of a steam whistle stirs your soul anything like it can still stir mine, you might have found your latest obsession.
Heroes of Might and Magic II and Railroad Tycoon II: Separated at Birth?
When I first announced that I’d be writing about Railroad Tycoon II, reader eldomtom2 pointed me to some allegations that Greg Fulton, the co-designer of Heroes of Might and Magic III, leveled against Phil Steinmeyer in an online newsletter in 2021. In the course of a somewhat rambling narrative that he admits is rife with hearsay — his association with New World Computing didn’t begin until after Steinmeyer’s had ended — Fulton posits that Steinmeyer kept the Heroes I and II source code he had written for New World and used them as the basis for Railroad Tycoon II. When the first demo of the latter game was released in mid-1998, Fulton discussed with his colleagues how it “felt familiar.” One colleague, he says, then “decompiled the [Railroad Tycoon II] executable and found Heroes II references in the code.” Fulton goes on to say that New World’s corporate parent 3DO sued PopTop and G.O.D. over the alleged code theft:
After some legal wrangling, the judge ordered both NWC and PopTop to produce printouts of the complete source code for HoMM2 and RT2. In the end, it was clear Phil had used the HoMM2 source code to make RT2. In his defense, he asserted [that] JVC [Jon Van Canegham] had told him he could freely use HoMM2’s game engine. JVC found this claim laughable.
Ultimately, Take Two Interactive, who had a stake in Gathering of Developers, asked 3DO what they wanted to make the lawsuit go away. 3DO asked for 1 million USD… and there it ended.
I’m not sure whether we are to read that last sentence as meaning that 3DO was paid the demanded $1 million or not.
What are we to make of this? At first blush, the accusation against Steinmeyer seems improbable. I can hardly think of two strategy games that are more dissimilar than Heroes of Might and Magic II and Railroad Tycoon II. The one is a turn-based game of conquest set in a fantasy world; the other is a real-time game of business set in the world we live in. The one has a whimsical presentation that lands somewhere between fairy tales and Gygax-era Dungeons & Dragons; the other is solidly, stolidly real-world industrial. And yet, surprising as it is, there does appear to be something to the charges.
When you start a new standalone scenario in Railroad Tycoon II, the different difficulty levels are represented by icons of horses running at varying speeds. This is a little strange when you stop to think about it. How are such icons a good representation of difficulty? And what are horses doing in our train game at all? I’ve heard the “iron horse” appellation as often as the next person, but this seems to be taking the analogy way too far.
Well, it turns out that the icons are lifted straight out of Heroes of Might and Magic II, where they’re used, much less counterintuitively, to represent the speed at which your and the other players’ armies move on the screen when taking their turns. I can hazard a guess as to what happened here. Steinmeyer probably used the icons as placeholder art at some point — and then, amidst the pressure of crunch, with a hundred other, seemingly more urgent matters to get to, they just never got changed out.
For what it’s worth, these are the only pieces of obvious Heroes II art that I’ve found in Railroad Tycoon II. Yet the presence of the icons does tell us that Steinmeyer really must have been dipping into his old Heroes II project folder in ways that were not quite legally kosher. Based on this evidence, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that there are some bits and pieces of code as well in Railroad Tycoon II that started out in the Heroes games. Personally, though, I’m willing to cut him some slack here. The code in question was presumably his code to begin with, after all. And, given how drastically different the games in question are and how low-level the code that he reused must therefore be, the repurposing seems likely to have saved him a few days at the most.
So why was Jon Van Canegham — a man once described by Neal Halford, a game designer who worked with him for several years at New World, as “terminally mellow” — so much less inclined to be forgiving? I think there may have been some external factors involved. Greg Fulton remembers Canegham telling him that “Phil Steinmeyer was the main programmer on Heroes 1 and Heroes 2. He offered up ideas, just like Debbie [Canegham’s wife] did, so I gave him a design credit. After he left, he told anyone who would listen [that] he was the reason Heroes was a success.”
Again, there’s some truth to these accusations. While he was trying to build a buzz around Railroad Tycoon II in the months before its release, Steinmeyer was indeed happy to call himself “the designer of the first two Heroes of Might and Magic games” — full stop. In one preview, Computer Gaming World rather cryptically described him as the designer who “will forever be remembered as the man who saved Heroes of Might and Magic from self-destruction.” In addition to being manifestly incorrect in its core assertion — absolutely nobody remembers Phil Steinmeyer in those terms today — this sentence would seem to imply that Steinmeyer has been telling his journalist friends tales out of school, ones that perhaps don’t cast the schoolmaster at New World in an overly positive light.
I think we can see where this is going. Angered by these exaggerations and possible imprecations — and by no means entirely unjustifiably — Van Canegham must then have started working to deprecate Steinmeyer’s real contributions to Heroes II, a game on which Van Canegham had once seen fit to give him a full-fledged co-designer credit alongside himself, not the mere “additional design” credit he received for Heroes I. And he must have told the legal department at 3DO about his other grievance as well, the one he might be able to use to bleed his cocky former colleague. It became, in other words, a good old-fashioned pissing match.
I don’t know whether any of this really did result in Steinmeyer’s camp having to pay Van Canegham’s camp money, much less precisely what sum changed hands if it did happen. As always, if you have any additional insight on the subject, feel free to chime in down below in the comments. For my own part, though, I think I’ll stop chasing scandals now and go back to playing Railroad Tycoon II. I still have the last few Second Century scenarios to get through…
Did you enjoy this article? If so, please think about pitching in to help me make many more like it. You can pledge any amount you like.
Sources: The book Railroad Tycoon II: The Official Strategy Guide. Computer Gaming World of March 1989, November 1994, February 1997, August 1998, September 1998, December 1998, January 1999, March 1999, August 1999, and October 2001; Next Generation of May 1998.
Online sources include an archive of all 42 “Inside the Sausage Factory” columns that Phil Steinmeyer wrote for Computer Games magazine, the Fanstratics newsletter where Greg Fulton conveys Jon Van Canegham’s accusations of code theft against Steinmeyer, a 1998 CNET GameCenter Q&A with Bruce Shelley, a 2000 Eurogamer interview with PopTop historical consultant and scenario designer Franz Felsl, and an extended 2007 Gamasutra interview with Mike Wilson.
Where to Get It: Railroad Tycoon Platinum is available as a digital purchase on Steam and
↑1 | In railroad speak, a “consist” — the noun is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable, not on the second as in the verb — is the particular collection of wagons that a given locomotive pulls. |
James Cooper
January 10, 2025 at 5:40 pm
Oh man, RRT2. I played so much of this as a kid. I still have the foldout goods chart!
…never was much good at the finance aspect, though. I always margin-bought every share I could and then ended up personally catastrophically broke the moment the economy dipped. Did rather better after I bought it on Steam as an adult.
January 10, 2025 at 6:15 pm
One of my all time favorite games! One of the few ancient PC games I still regularly boot up and play. You absolutely hit the nail on the head in regards to theme, game design, history, etc.
It’s really a pity that none of the successors (either direct or spiritual) lived up to it. The games made after the transition to 3D were still good, but they oversimplified both the tracklaying and business aspects. And Transportation Tycoon is so… sterile in comparison.
As per the soundtrack – the secret was hiring a session Blues musician (Jim Callahan) to do the whole thing. Not only is the soundtrack amazing, you don’t feel as mentally exhausting as you would have been if you had been listening to a short loop of ditties.
When Tropico comes up, you will be amazed at how much DNA is shared between them. Replace the blues with cuban jazz (courtesy of Daniel Indart, a very accomplished composer).
January 10, 2025 at 7:35 pm
Railroad Tycoon 2 was my younger brother’s game. I graduated from college and moved cross-country in 1998. I only had the chance to play Railroad Tycoon 2 briefly during visit to my family the following year. I know I beat the first scenario, but I’m not even sure I played the second. I remember almost nothing specific about the game, and yet I vividly remember how the game made me feel. There was something deeply soothing about the combination of the graphics and the soundtrack, especially the ambient noises. I think it was the first time I ever found a game relaxing. Certainly it was the first time I ever consciously appreciated a game for that reason. I occasionally think about buying Railroad Tycoon 2 from GOG, but I’ve found other relaxing games in the meantime and I’d hate to spoil a pleasant memory with an unfortunate dose of reality.
Mateus Fedozzi
January 10, 2025 at 7:59 pm
Besides the PlayStation version, there was also a Dreamcast version, which many considered a rare example of an strategy PC game done right on a video game console.
Jimmy Maher
January 11, 2025 at 10:22 am
Good catch. Thanks!
January 10, 2025 at 9:17 pm
Glad to hear you liked the game. I waffle on whether or not I prefer RRT2 or 3; 2 is more tightly designed in a lot of places and has the better selection of user scenarios but 3’s simulation of supply and demand means that you aren’t rewarded just for making long journeys as in 2, and it actually feels like you’re transporting goods rather than gaming the revenue calculation algorithm.
One note: “Likewise, your options for manipulating cargoes and consists at stations are reduced.” – is this true? While I’ve played very little of the first game I don’t remember RRT2 having lost any options from 1.
Jimmy Maher
January 11, 2025 at 10:42 am
The original release of Railroad Tycoon II especially was quite limiting in the buying and selling of cargo. There was no way to tell a train *not* to sell all of its cargo at each stop on its route. The expansion pack (and later the Gold and Platinum editions) added in some more options here via the little flags you can click on each of a train’s stops in the routing menus, but it doesn’t quite get all the way there.
For example, in Railroad Tycoon I, you could set up a commuter train that would stop at all stations on its route, even those that were just way stations between two end points. You can’t do that in Railroad Tycoon II; you have to explicitly add each station on the route.
Most annoyingly in my opinion, you can’t instruct a train not to sell demanded cargo at a stop on its route. Sometimes you want to pick up cargo of one type and not drop off cargo of another type at a station. Railroad Tycoon II gives you no way to do this, other than through some convoluted, hacky workarounds.
Again, this is stuff that you probably won’t ever notice or miss if you haven’t played the first game. But if you *have* spent a lot of hours with the first game, as I did some years ago, it might throw you until you get used to it.
Sir Harrok
January 11, 2025 at 12:48 am
I loved RRT and so wanted to like RRT2, but I’m afraid the lack of tunnels was a deal breaker for me :-(
January 11, 2025 at 12:56 pm
Thanks, so nice to learn about the background of this game! I never knew that RT2 was a success – I seemed to be the only one playing it in my circles and got strange looks from my girlfriend back then – “you’re such a nerd”. I always had the feeling that the game had so many layers, it felt unfinished at times. Like they worked on it too long and had to rush it out to cover the investment.
Particularly, I rarely got a nice economic cycle going. The game shows you exactly what you have to deliver where and what to do with the output, but in the game, ressources were to scattered or too far away from each other to create a reliable income stream. In the end, I always went the passenger route: 5 cars and 1 diner, haul them as far as possible. They were the most ubiquitous ressource and made good money, especially with enhanced train stations with restaurants and hotels.
I agree with John (Jan 10) that the game gave a relaxing feeling, especially if you zoomed in and had all graphic features turned on: It looked like an animated painting with rivers flowing, cows mooing and a very slow 1850s train passing by – it was comforting. It’s probably the reason I recently repurchased it on Steam and actually played it for a while. I tried RT3 later, but it could not repeat that feeling.
Never played RT1, so the lack of tunnels occured to me just now. The undo-function would have been nice, but I always took it as part of the game: The same maps would have slight differences in every new game, so each time you had to find the perfect spot for laying track in mountaneous regions. That felt similar to the problems the engineers in real life had to face: Sometimes, you have to make compromises, and once a track is laid, you can’t just undo it and try again.
I learned a lot from the game, notably:
The age of robber barons was new to me and I read about a lot of the characters in the game on Wikipedia. I understood that, like today with tec, some of the leaders back then were engineers, some were smart investors and some were more like conmen. And like today, often not the best man wins, but the most ruthless. There was even a hobb website somewhere of a guy who encouraged exactly that: Let the others play with their little trains while you buy them up on the stock market.
And that’s the other thing I seriously learned about: The companies and the stock market – this was an entirely different aspect of the game. I never found another game that could teach the basics of fundamentals and market movements so well without explaining it. Studying the yearly results without feeling like it’s accountant work. Shorting, dividends, hostile takeovers, it’s all there, but if you like you can just ignore it.
Also, I never had interest in beating the campaigns, I only played two maps extensively: Cairo to Capetown and New Orleans to LA. The latter was my favourite: I bought multiple trains with full passenger cargo, stopped them shortly before they arrived at the destination and let the stock value drop until I could buy it all up, continuing with no outside investors. Meanwhile I would use the cash I had to buy stock of other companies shortly before their trains arrived. A great game ended with me owning everything and my competitors in bancruptcy. Sometimes I would play on for a century, being the AT&T of railroad traffic in the US, electrifying the tracks and creating more and more lucrative long-distance routes.
I think I’m gonna start another round now…:)
January 12, 2025 at 7:34 am
Kudos for highlighting the game’s attempt to distill, synthesize and represent as much a vast landscape of history into a fundamentally not-so big budget game, a feat they would accomplish again in Tropico.
Speaking of that, do you have any story to tell about Frog City (Imperialism), BreakAway (various outsourced expansion packs, serious games) or more stories on Interplay strategy titles & Quicksilver (briefly mentioned in
Jimmy Maher
January 12, 2025 at 7:51 am
No plans for any of those, I’m afraid. Strategy games are an area where I really have to pick my battles, so to speak. They’re very time-consuming, and I must admit that I tend to find a lot of them pretty dull… which is no doubt my failing rather than theirs in many cases. If it’s any consolation, I do foresee an unusual amount of strategy coverage for 1999, with Alpha Centauri, Heroes III, Age of Wonders, Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2, the Impressions city-builders, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and Homeworld all on my tentative docket.
January 12, 2025 at 8:00 am
Also, things will get more awkward if you ever cover Heroes 4.
Unlike with Steinmeyer, about whom Fulton’s knowledge is purely secondhand, his newsletters contained extensive commentary on his firsthand experience with the would-be lead designer/programmer of Heroes 4. Fulton’s take on him (a designer with some good repute) is, shall we say, scathing?
January 13, 2025 at 2:53 am
>I’m not sure whether we are to read that last sentence as meaning that 3DO paid the requested $1 million or not.
Should be “GOD” or “Take Two,” since 3DO was the plaintiff.
Jimmy Maher
January 13, 2025 at 6:07 am
January 13, 2025 at 4:24 pm
FWIW, when Railroad Tycoon 2 was shipped, they had 5 people. Phil was the only programmer. All scenarios were created and designed by one person including map creation, balancing and writing/narration using the in-game editor (HoMM-esq). For Art, there were 2 artists, a generalist artist and game design/artist. They got to 12 people by the end of Tropico and 17 by the time they closed.
January 14, 2025 at 2:28 am
And at least one of those 12 people managed to total two different white Ford Probes in the very same curve. The result of leaving the office many hours too late, and dozing off.
It’s amazing how much a small team that was working way too hard could accomplish.
January 13, 2025 at 5:26 pm
With regard to the horse icons – perhaps they weren’t intended to, but they evoke the late 19th c ‘motion capture’ photographs of a horse galloping – see
Dave Bloke
January 13, 2025 at 6:28 pm
Pretty sure Rocket was Robert Stephenson rather than George.
Sincerely, a Darlingtonian (UK).
Jimmy Maher
January 13, 2025 at 8:28 pm
Curtis Barnard
January 13, 2025 at 8:35 pm
Excellent article thank you. There is a typo of “Tycoon” in this sentence:
I like Railroad Tyconn’s spiritual successor, Chris Sawyer’s Transport Tycoon, a lot as well, even though its focus on trains is somewhat diluted by all the trucks, planes, and ships it throws in.
Jimmy Maher
January 14, 2025 at 6:16 am
David Cornelson
January 14, 2025 at 12:00 am
Just a check to see if you’ve been to Green Bay/WI.
Jimmy Maher
January 14, 2025 at 6:16 am
No, never been to that one.
January 15, 2025 at 11:51 am
RRTII is maybe my favourite game of all time. When I was a kid I bought a demo disc for (I think) $10, which had three of the campaign maps to play. My memories of it are being quite terrible at the game and mostly just playing in sandbox mode, but occasionally attempting the missions using cheat codes. To be fair I was in primary school and the in-game financial model was way over my head. When exiting the demo game it would throw up a splash screen advertising the Gold Edition. So of course I dreamed of owning the full Gold Edition one day.
Years later I got back into it with Platinum Edition and as an adult I was able to play the campaign properly. I have almost finished the classic campaign a bunch of times, but there’s still a couple of maps I have never been able to finish – India and one of the Australian ones. I’ll do it one day. Ditto The Second Century campaign which I’m rubbish at. The rock bottom passenger revenues just don’t work for me.
Like you said Jimmy about humming Railroad Tycoon’s menu music, RRTII’s blues soundtrack is one that I often find myself humming. The blues harp that runs through a lot of the songs is sooooo catchy. I actually listen to the soundtrack by itself occasionally. I’m generally a pop music guy but I would go as far as saying RRTII’s soundtrack is one of the GOATs.
I bought big box copies of Gold Edition and The Second Century from Ebay a few years ago and I have them sitting proudly on a shelf in my home office. Mind you I don’t actually play them, I stick to the GOG Platinum Edition because the older editions use CD audio for the music, which doesn’t work for me. But I like staring at the boxes.
January 15, 2025 at 4:10 pm
>Space Bunnies Must Die!
Never would have thought this was the Bad Mojo team’s next venture!
The podcast Stay Forever, hosted by ex-EiCs of GameStar, had done a recent interview with Bruce Shelley (you can view the transcript in the player widget).
It doesn’t cover much new ground (the host either tactfully dodged, or cut out any questions on how Tresham’s games relate to Sid’s), but two anecdotes stand out to me as seemingly new.
a) He gave his own account of how helped publish the influential fantasy game Titan.
b) He mentioned Glenn Drover.
> one of our salesmen was Glenn Drover. he wanted to be a game designer, but they hired him as a salesman because that’s what he was, and he became one of our best salesmen.
Drover would go on to design the official board games of Age of Mythology, Age of Empires 3, and Railroad Tycoon.
The AoE3 board game is considered a classic, and was reissued under the title Empires: Age of Discovery.
The RRT board game is a more beginner-friendly iteration of Age of Steam, later reissued as the highly popular Railways of the World.
January 15, 2025 at 4:49 pm
Cont. from above:
It was a real surprise to learn that was Drover’s role at MicroProse. It must be quite the story to finally nail his design in Age of Discovery and RRT, after some less well-received games (AoM, and the first official board game adaptation of the computer game Civ).
On Shelley & Titan, he gave another account in Soren Johnson’s interview, 18m40s
– According to Shelley, when he contacted its authors to license Titan for Avalon Hill, they were in the middle of developing its 2nd expansion.
– However, apparently they were already losing interest in the game, which is the reason they’d let Titan go out of print, if not for Shelley’s request.
– [Stay Forever interview:] Shelley adjusted the game (credited as “development”), wrote a new manual, and released the commonly known version of Titan, combining the base game & its 1st expansion.
– The authors later submitted the 2nd expansion to Avalon Hill. Shelley wrote back asking some questions, and never received a reply. This is why it was never published.
Now it turns out that the 2nd expansion prototype, titled “The Magi and the Mighty”, had received some playtesting at Avalon Hill, and some testers called it “best game I ever played”. In 2019, a cleaned up copy of the prototype was uploaded to BGG.
January 17, 2025 at 8:57 am
“I just wouldn’t get too stressed about trying to win gold on every single scenario; I had a lot more fun with it once I accepted that silver or even bronze were good enough and stopped save-scumming and putting myself through all manner of other contortions to bring home the gold.”
I’ve always found this to be an interesting paradox – only an extremely good game can engage the player to the point of caring about this kindof thing (or Steam/Xbox achievements that are kind of the modern equivalent), but you often ruin the experience by striving for it. Meaning that it is all to easy for someone to have a miserable time playing a game they immensely.
M. Casey
January 18, 2025 at 1:25 am
I’m glad you enjoyed this one Jimmy. The first few paragraphs had me thinking a “But,” was coming, and I was relieved not to hear it.
I haven’t played RRT2 in over a decade but I have fond memories of it, particularly multiplayer. We played games of up to six people during LAN parties, and there were surprisingly few bugs or crashes (which was pretty rare for strategy games of the time unless they were Blizzard’s).
As time went on games got increasingly cut-throat… massive margin loans, hostile takeovers, cargo theft. One fun tactic, upon noticing a pal acquiring a large position in your company, was to surreptitiously sell all your shares, start tearing up your track, and leave the company a worthless hulk as you start a new one elsewhere.
Before the group moved on to different things, it was pretty common for games to end in a draw with every single player bankrupt. Generally speaking the game rewarded you for loading up on stock… so it was worth taking those massive margin loans… but if someone stumbled and got a margin call, their stocks sales could trigger margin calls in other players, leading to a fun cascading failure busting everybody. We’d created a Depression!
Irfan Laving
January 18, 2025 at 7:47 pm
“whiled away” instead of “wiled away”.
Jimmy Maher
January 18, 2025 at 8:37 pm
Both spellings are actually acceptable in standard American English. ;)
Sion Fiction
January 22, 2025 at 7:17 pm
Sure, I can kind of see that. But wile has a completely different meaning, so it reads funny to me. As if time was being *lured* away by the train sets. Or is the meaning the same but you’re just using a word that looks like *wile* but means the same as *while*?
Sorry, I’m confusing myself now.
Washington state university says…
wile away / while away
”Waiting for my physical at the doctor’s office, I whiled away the time reading the dessert recipes in an old copy of Gourmet magazine.” The expression “while away the time” is the only surviving context for a very old use of “while” as a verb meaning “to spend time.” Many people substitute “wile,” but to wile people is to lure or trick them into doing something—quite different from simply idling away the time. Even though dictionaries accept “wile away” as an alternative, it makes more sense to stick with the original expression.
January 22, 2025 at 8:01 pm
I agree; “while” makes definitional sense, whereas “wile” does not and IMO is only an “accepted” spelling in that it’s an error that’s become common.
January 22, 2025 at 10:31 pm
(Also, depending on one’s accent, they may not be pronounced the same. Wine–whine merger)
Jimmy Maher
January 23, 2025 at 7:56 am
Fair enough. I’m persnickety about many things in writing, but I don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other in this case. ;)
Adam Thornton
January 22, 2025 at 2:16 am
It is somehow deeply comforting to know you were also a train nerd as a child. In many ways that should have functioned as a warning sign to those who knew me when I was very young.
January 31, 2025 at 2:25 pm
I think James Burke mentions that trains changed us GENETICALLY. It wasn’t until the invention of the train that it was in any way possible for a statistically significant percentage of humans to travel more than 100 miles from the place of their birth and the overwhelming majority of married couples were born less than 10 miles apart. Most of humanity for most of history would only have even MET a handful of people from a different town.